Monday, June 3rd

Royal Oak School Parents and Guardians,

Our annual Bike to School Day is fast approaching. On Tuesday June 4thRoyal Oak School Families and Staff are encouraged to participate in the Bike to School Day come Rain or Shine

Bike tags and further information (including a map) will be sent home with Kindergarten students on Thursday May 30th, and with Grade 1-3 students on Monday June 3rd. Bike tags must be brought to the school on your student's handlebars for ease of organization and storage in the School Gym. Students are welcome to drop off their bikes from 8:40am - 9:10am. PM KG students can drop their bikes off to the Gym before class, between 12:50pm and 1:03pm.

A snack of Orange slices will be available between 8:40am and 9:10am. Don't forget to bring your water bottles!

***NOTE: Different Locations for KINDERGARTEN PICKUP***

All Kindergarten Bike to School participants (AM & PM) will be dismissed through the Gym door closest to the houses at the back of the school andNon-Participants will have a regular dismissal at the KG doors.

Grade 1 & 2 students can pick up their bikes on the compound at the back of the school following the afternoon dismissal. 

Grade 3 students will be dismissed through the Gym, and will pick up their bikes on their way out to the compound.

If you would like to volunteer at this event please use the Sign Up Genius Link Below.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

In inquiry we have been working on understanding the relationships between endangered animals and humans. Students have studied animal life cycles, the biosphere, and taken on the different roles of interested parties in order to gain perspective. Students then used their understandings to create an elephant reserve in order to protect elephants from poaching, habitat loss, and pollution. 


In math we have been continuing to work on multi-step word problems around multiplication and division. As well we have been studying shapes and space. Before building their elephant enclosures, students had to design and measure out the perimeter of their enclosures. 


In literacy students have been reading a series of articles about endangered animals and the impacts of human activities on those animals. Students have then been discussing and role-playing based on their understandings. 


In art we have just finished our paintings of the Andes and they are breath taking. 

Secret of the Andes

We just finished our novel "The Secret of the Andes" ask your child what they thought the message or theme of the novel was. What did the book want them to understand about the real world?


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