Happy New Year, We're Back!


Design Thinking

This week, we finished our study of magnets with a design thinking activity. Students had to brain storm various problems around the class room, such as lost shoes and water bottle spills. Then students had to Ideate solutions and inventions to those problems. Finally, students were asked to incorporate magnets into their designs. Take a look at some of our inventions.


Home Journals 

On top of our regular literacy activities, such as word work, flex groups, guided reading, novel studies, we have started writing home journals. Every Friday, students will write a journal entry explaining what they did over the week and what they look forward to. Students will bring their journals home to share with their family. Make sure you check their journals and please respond to their journal entries. 


Robots and Measurement

This week we used robots to help us measure various things around the school. Ask your child what their robot helped them to measure. 

Place Value

We also started to take a close and in depth look at place value. We read the math story, Grandma Eudora's T-Shirt Factory and used various inventories to make rolls of ten shirts and loose shirts. 

Grandma Eudora's T-Shirt Factory


Our Prairie Art

We finished our study of a prairie community before the winter break with some beautiful prairie art inspired by the art of Jason Carter. Take a look at our work

Field Trip

Bow Habitat Station 

The grade Two’s have an amazing opportunity to spend January 21 (Sandberg/Yoon), January 22 (Reynolds/Lagrana), and January 23 (Craig) at Bow Habitat Station. The focus for the day will be threefold. First, the students will begin their inquiry into water asking the questions: “How old is our water?” and “Where does it come from?” Students will investigate the importance of water, water’s three states, and techniques for cleaning water. Next, the students will participate in the Marsh Mysteries program where they get to know some of Alberta’s underwater critters. They will investigate invertebrates under a microscope and sketch their life cycle stages. Finally, students will visit the fish hatchery where they will have the opportunity to feed the fish.

We will travel to Bow Habitat Station via school bus. Students are to arrive at school at 8:50 am board the bus at 9:00 am. The bus will leave at 9:10 and arrive back at school around 2:30 pm. Students will bring their backpacks with their lunch and water bottle.


Each of our classes will require volunteers. Please email your child's teacher if you have clearance and are interested in volunteering for this field trip. wjsandberg@cbe.ab.ca or chacraig@cbe.ab.ca



Dear Parents and Guardians
We have started our gymnastics unit in our regularly scheduled Physical Education classes. This unit will run until the end of January. Safety procedures are being carefully covered with each class. While students in elementary school are not expected to change their clothing for gym, I do talk to them about being dressed in preparation to participate. Please consider the following when sending your child to school:
• Clothing that allows freedom of movement (no special uniforms or outfits are required – sweats and a t-shirt work best).
• Loose fitting/baggy clothing may get caught on equipment when climbing.
• Tucking shirts in may help to prevent an accident.
• All jewelry that could get caught on equipment should be removed (left in classrooms or left at home). e.g. watches, rings, necklaces, etc...
• Students with long hair should have their hair tied back. Tying hair back with elastics is recommended.
• Students may wear shorts under clothing if they wish.
• Students will participate in bare feet unless there is a medical reason (warts).
Please be aware that students have Physical Education class each day. Students will be reminded that they must remain very quiet while participating on the climbing equipment. Sudden noises could startle a student using the equipment and result in a fall.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Thank you in advance for your understanding in helping to ensure the safety of our students.

Helen Hennick

Family Literacy Day

Family Literacy Day 

“Family literacy activities strengthen the relationship between family members which, in turn, encourages lifelong learning.”

Royal Oak School will be recognizing Family Literacy Day on Monday January 27th. Students are invited to wear pajamas, bring a stuffy and a favourite book to share with a friend. Regular curricular activities will continue on this day so please make sure your child wears pajamas that allow them to participate in recess, gym, etc (no footed pajamas or nightgowns)

Further information and ideas for home can be found at www.familyliteracyday.ca



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