
Year End Volunteers

Dear parents, we are in need of some volunteers, next Wednesday, June 20th and Thursday, June 21st afternoons to help clean/sanitize various Royal Oak technology, such as laptops and Ipads. Any help would be much appreciated! Please send me an email at wjsandber@cbe.ab.ca if you would be interested in helping out. Thanks!


Today we had a successful trip down to the wetlands to search for insects and tother crawling and flying creatures. And we found a ton, including shrimp, various spiders, leeches, blood worms, grasshoppers, bees, and moths. It was exciting! Thank you to the volunteers who made our trip today possible!

James and the Giant Peach

We are currently on chapter 17 of James and the Giant Peach. If your child has been absent or wants to re-read, the audiobook can be found here:


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