Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

Math - Friendly Numbers

In math we have begun to look at breaking numbers up into "Friendly Numbers"

Friendly numbers are important numbers that are easy and efficient to count, add, and subtract by, such as 10's, 5's, and 1's. 

Today students practiced exploding larger numbers into friendly numbers in different ways. 

Some of our students "Aha!" moments:

C – I noticed that two fives makes a ten and those are all friendly numbers!

M – I just noticed that there are lots of different ways to make the same number!

E – I made 35 out of three 5’s and two tens!



Art - Self Portraits

We have started the year off by working on sketching our own self portraits. Students have done several practice portraits and are now working on their good copy. Here are a couple of our practice portraits. 

Inquiry - Entomology

In Inquiry, we are learning to be entomologists in order to study the small, crawling, and flying insects of the prairies. 

We started by brainstorming all we already knew about bugs. 

Then we sketched some of the bugs from our school collection. 


Today we watched a few short bug videos, to inspire us to ask big questions about the bugs in our world. 


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