Thursday, February 22

Arctic Animal Research

Google Slides for Polar Bear Research

This current week your child has had the opportunity to go to Mrs. Lagrana’s class and learn about creating a Google Slides presentation to highlight research they have done on the Polar Bear.

Please have your child practice logging in at home and sharing their work as it progresses this upcoming week. They can also share their presentation with me by clicking the blue SHARE button and typing in my username: 

Google Slides is an easy and fun way to share holiday stories or research something your child is curious about and to extend their learning at school.

Please ask your child to share with you what they have done and complete any unfinished slides at home. So far we have learned how to:

-change the font size
-change the colour of the font
-highlight the background of the font
-add a picture from searching google images
-send our picture to the background so we can still see our letters
-use bullets or a numbered list for our facts on each slide
-add a link to a website about polar bear habitat
-Highlight the text we want to read and put it on speech so we can listen to the article as an alternative to reading it ourselves.

Day 1
Slide 1: Title Slide with picture
Slide 2: Appearance: What does the polar bear look like. What physical features does it have? How does it use it’s features (such as fur, paws, snout, skin to help it to survive in the Arctic?


Day 2
Slide 3: Diet: What does the Polar Bear eat? How does it get food?


Day 3: Habitat: Where in the world does the Polar Bear live? What does it need for it’s home? What features does it need to have in its habitat?


We had 3 hours (1 hour) per day to work on these slides. This is a new technology and multi-stepped project that required some time reading each article to find the information in order to do the slides. Many slides are not complete or only have one or two pieces of information included. If your child was unable to finish it would be appreciated if you are able to support them at home by adding to their presentation and allowing them more time to add to their research.

Ideas for other slides:
-Interesting Facts
-Predators/Threats to the Polar Bear
-What we can do to help

Since Google Slides and even using computers are a new skill for many, thank you for supporting your child at home so that they have the additional practice time necessary to become proficient at using this wonderful technology.

Open Minds!
Tinker School is fast approaching. I have sent home permission slips for the week long field trip. Please fill these out and return them ASAP. The last day to return forms is Wednesday, February 28.  Tinker School is Monday, March 5 to Friday, March 9. 


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