Wednesday, February 14

Long Weekend
I want to remind parents that there is no school this Thursday, February 15, Friday, February 16 or Monday, February 19 due to Teacher's Convention and Family Day.

gmail accounts
This week I gave students a take home handout with their CBE gmail accounts, student numbers, and passwords. This handout also has some brief instructions of how they can access their google drive. We have logged into our gmail accounts to access a google doc in class. Next week the students will be starting a research project where they may need to access their google accounts at home. Their google drive has a variety of apps and uses, as they progress through this years and the coming grades, it will become a more important tool for things like research and group collaboration. 

We have discussed Digital Citizenship and Online Safety, but it is always a good idea to go over this again with your child. Informing them not to give out personal information online and about cultivating an appropriate online presence. 

If your child has lost their handout with their information, please contact me and I can send another one home.

Book Truck Return, Wednesday, February 21
Next week the book truck will be at our school. It is not my classes turn to take books out, but it is an opportunity for everybody at the school to return any books from the book truck that they have finished with.

Arctic Stories
This week students are continuing to plan and write their own Arctic Stories. Over the past weeks we have studied many Arctic Stories and Inuit Legends. The students are now writing their own stories in the a similar style. 

We have continued to explore place value this week with Grandma Eudora's Tshirt Factory. We have been practicing to break groups of 10's up in loose 1's as well as the opposite. Next week we will begin subtraction. This weekend would be an excellent time to introduce your child to Monopoly, where they have to constantly make change and buy and sell properties.


As students have been reading Newspaper Articles on climate change, and how there have been changes to the ways of living for people and animals of the Arctic.

We have been discussing what it means to have an opinion, how to support it with a reason and an example. I have attached some examples of templates of OREO writing. 



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