Tuesday, February 27

Pink Shirt Day!
Tomorrow (Wednesday, February 28th) is Pink Shirt Day where we come together as a community to defeat bullying with kindness! Please ask your kids to wear a pink shirt to show their support.

Open Minds
Reminder that our Open Minds Field Trips begin next Monday, March 5! I will email volunteers information later this week. 

Today we took symbolic photo's to send a message to the people of the world. We uploaded our images to our IRIS so you can see them and our message.

We have also been looking at the Arctic and Climate Change through the lens of a polar bear in small clips of Polar Bear: A Summer Odyssey
Polar Bear: A Summer Odyssey

Double Digit Addition with Grandma Eudora's T-Shirt Factory.

Students received various amount of inventory for their T-Shirt factories and had to break their inventories up into 10's and 1's and then find a total inventory. We will be moving on to subtraction next as we begin to sell off our inventories.

Help save the Polar Bears!
We are asking you to take the Thermostat Challenge and turn down the heat in your homes and at school by 2 degrees!  This will help save the sea ice that polar bears need for survival.  This week grade 2 students are celebrating International Polar Bear Day and as part of that celebration, we would like to invite everyone to take part in this challenge.  You can make a difference!
Thank you from the grade 2 students!


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